The journey towards wellness is a deeply personal one. Yet our health choices can be influenced by many voices, influences and motivations of others.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed, suspicious or doubtful of the many claims given on social media platforms by multiple bloggers, journalists, authors about food and health.

Have you heard or read about the benefits or harms of certain diets, medications and treatments, and exercise routines.

Join the many others, who also face making decisions about their health, with little or no good evidence to back these claims.

This article will tackle the issues we face today when we try to make good choices about our health, and what we can do when we find that the claims don’t match the outcomes.

To tell you the truth, it’s all so confusing because health and wholeness is not one size fits all, it’s individual and personal, and for our benefit, it’s largely our job to find what’s right for us, and seek help from trusted people in our circle of influence.

We need to do the research and find out the truth about the claims made, and the promises given, that when we take a certain product, or follow a lifestyle or diet, that we will achieve perfect health and vitality, and look a million dollars.

Greater nutrition and health for everyone is a value, not a commodity.

Health can not always be bought with money, and if this was the case, it wouldn’t be fair, because some people would miss out on the basis of economics. Often it’s due to the hard work and grit iron determination that sees individuals overcome the odds and beat the soothsayers.

It is time to reclaim our health and nutrition and place the responsibility back on our own shoulders, and release ourselves from the grip of all mighty pharma – whether that’s mainstream medicine or over the counter vitamins and nutritional supplements.

It is time to create our own “farms” not rely on big pharma to provide our food and nutrition. This is because at heart, big pharma doesn’t have our best interests at heart, we’ve known this for awhile, but we didn’t let on, because it was convenient at the time.

These farms can be developed as micro-farms; growing food in our kitchens, on our balconies, in glass containers, or pots, in the ground, above the ground, individually and collectively. The main thing is that we are growing, living simply and sustainable, and reducing our reliance on the artificial market; the chemically and profit driven nutrition reduced food of the 21st century, post-industrial age.

Of course, there are plenty of people who are growing, and we owe it to them, to support them, before they send off their produce to the chain supermarket corporations, receiving low rates and being undercut to ensure higher profits for the seller than the grower.

Every person has the right to good nutritional food, and a place to eat, and sleep no matter what their economic background.

Here lies the paradox, that many in the world, lack basic access to food and water, due to powers and authorities beyond their control. On another level, food waste is a global issue, with many developed nations producing more than needed, and we, the consumers, purchasing beyond our needs.

What steps can be taken to increase our nutrition and raise our level of health?

Can chronic health conditions be reversed, slowed down and even avoided, by following a natural healthy diet?

Let’s look at what it means to follow a healthy diet in 2021?

By looking at our daily nutritional needs , we can find ways to grow, support local growers, share food, grow food together, nourish ourselves, bypass the commercial operators, and take back our lives.

We can take ownership of our own bodies, our diet, and our lifestyle. We may find a new perspective as we make the shift and become a nutritional self-help expert.